5 Tools And Strategies That Support Personalized Learning

Students learn in different ways and at different paces. So, Personalized learning is a teaching model based on that premise. Also, Each student gets a “learning plan” based on how he learns, what he knows as well as what his skills and interests are. It’s the opposite of the “one size fits all” approach used in schools mostly. Numerous Students work with their teachers to set both short-term along with long-term goals efficiently. So, this process helps students take ownership of their learning as well.

Basically, the teachers make sure learning plans or project-based learning match up with academic standards efficiently. So, they check to see if students are demonstrating the skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education efficiently. Also, Personalized learning is not a replacement for special education and It’s an approach to general education that can work with an international education program -IEP that is a response to intervention or another specialized intervention program specifically. Though the accommodations, supports and accessible learning strategies need to be essential parts of personalized learning solely. So, if done well, all students will be more engaged in their learning and struggling students will get help sooner. Thus, If not done well, students with disabilities could fall further behind it. Also, Personalized learning is something that many teachers strive for, but it can be easier to want it than make it happen accordingly. Besides, the Personalization is best created at the learning model and curriculum level rather shoe-horned in after the curriculum is done, though when you are given lemons you play the hand you’re dealt when in Rome, because birds of a feather may not come back unless you set them free and so.

The five strategies are as follows–

1. The Choice Boards:-

Basically, the choice board is a brilliantly simple tool that can provide scaffolding, tiering and use of Bloom’s taxonomy as well as support multiple learning styles, and more things. So, You essentially take the idea behind an assignment–or better yet and a learning standard itself–and create four choices that, actually if completed, will address a given learning standard efficiently. So, the fact that these can be done on the fly. So, Write a topic or standard on the board in the centre of four squares and in each square create an activity student can perform to demonstrate an understanding of that topic, or standard. Or better yet and let them come up with ways of their own eventually.

2. The Project-Based Learning:-

It is quite evident that Project-Based Learning requires a significant role for the student and they take on authentic roles by documenting, capturing, reflecting, imagining and managing as well as communicating. So, they actively choose topics and media, audiences and challenges along with research sources and project timelines respectively.

3. The Tiered Learning Targets:-

Basically, the Tiered learning targets aren’t exactly the high point of progressive learning but they can be useful in a tightly-monitored as a high-pressure public school classroom. So, in extracting learning targets from academic standards, teachers create a single statement of performance. Also, The problem is that this statement will rarely be the “just for me” strand all learners need and unless, by chance, every student happens to understand a topic at the same level, which is unlikely as such. Thus, instead of one statement. It  can be explained by the relationship between diction and tone and it can be broken up into three standards as follows:–

  1. It can define diction and tone accordingly.–low

  1. It can explain the relationship between diction and tone.—middle.

  1. It can explain how diction and tone converge to imply an author’s position on a topic—high.

So, This helps in terms of assessment–identifying where learners are stuck–and offers an oar to students drowning in the rigour and The “low” target provides an accessible starting point where they can feel honoured. “Hey, that’s about where I am” rather than “I have no idea what she’s talking about.” And so on.

  1. Actually, Write. (A lot.):-

Such as- 

  • Writing as an assessment.

  • Writing to learn.

  • Quick prompts.

  • Write-Around.

  • Writing to demonstrate learning.

  • Formal writing. Informal writing.

  • Academic writing.

  • Blogging.

  • Starting at various stages of the writing process.

  • Revisiting old writing.

  • Writing to support meta-cognition.

  • Reflective writing.

  • Personal writing.

  • Writing about reading.

  • Writing about the writing itself.

  • Stream of Consciousness writing.

  • RAFT assignments.

Thus, Writing helps personalize learning, is highly flexible and also, it imposes a cognitive load on learners that is hard to match in terms of both skill and content knowledge respectively.

5. Numerous Mobile Devices:-

Usually, By placing an Android smartphone, iPad, or notebook and computer in the lap of a student and they immediately have direct access to media tools and information. So, This doesn’t mean learning is suddenly personalized by using a mobile device, though the tool is there. So, Rather than listening and they are accessing, actually a great starting point for personalized learning and education.

Therefore, these strategies can really help students with personalized learning.

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