French Language Tests

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Studying in France can be a challenge if one doesn’t speak French. Further language-related issues may arise if the university requires mandatory French proficiency. This can all be averted if a recognized diploma from a recognized French language test is obtained.

DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française)

  • This exam, overseen by the International Centre for French Studies, for French proficiency is widely recognized.

  • The exam has 4 variations, levels- A1, A2, B1 and B2.

  • Most undergraduate/graduate programs call for a B2 level exam. Some universities may accept a B1 level exam as-well.

  • The test has 4 parts- listening, reading, writing and speaking.

  • The test has a total score of 100 and a minimum of 50 is required to pass.

  • The test duration varies depending on levels but the maximum time is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

  • It takes about 4 weeks to receive the results, whereas

  • The test fees depending on the level will range between 60- 135 euros.

DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française)

  • It is a recognized French proficiency exam for non- native speakers, overseen by the CIEP.

  • The test has 2 levels, C1 and C2, the highest levels.

  •   This exam is for more experienced and fluent students.

C1 level- This test may be required by masters’ or higher-level courses.

  • The test has 4 parts and a total score of 100.

  • The sections are oral and written comprehension and oral and written production.

C2 level- This level is very advanced and for those who have achieved a high level of fluency and accuracy. It will be required only for advanced positions and recommended for professionals.

  • The test has 2 sections and a total score of 100.

  • The test fees depending on the level will range between 150-175 euros.

DILF (Diplôme Initial de Langue Française)

  • This French proficiency test is for A1 level students. It is administered by the French ministry of education.

  • There are 4 sections to the test, listening and reading comprehension for 25 minutes each, and spoken and written production for 10 and 15 minutes respectively.

  • The total test duration is for 1 hour and 15 minutes and has a total score of 100.

  • This test pays more attention to listening and speaking skills.

The tests can be taken multiple times but must have a gap of about 2 months in between. 

The tests should be prepared for thoroughly by practicing sample papers. Students should make sure to have enough practice speaking by trying to add it to their daily lives. The more the students use the language, the easier they will find it to correct their mistakes and hence learn faster.

Students should also contact their university to find out which exam is required for their course and which level they should attempt.

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