SAT Exam

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  • The SAT is a standardized aptitude test for students applying to colleges. It helps the admission chances as almost all institutes accept the scores and give leverage toward higher scores. Many American universities consider it mandatory.


There is SAT 1 and SAT 2 for students to choose from depending on their college requirements.

SAT 1:

  • It is a general aptitude test required for college entrance for any stream.

  • Students are tested on English and numerical proficiency.

  • It is a 3-hour long test with 3 sections that cover reading, writing, and mathematics. Students can also opt for an extra section which includes an essay.

  • The total score is 2400.

  • The test fees are $46 and $ 60 with the essay.

SAT 2:

  • The SAT 2/subject tests are for students seeking admission into a specialized field in college. Most universities make it clear which subject test they require. It can also be helpful while applying for scholarships.

  • This test is available for 20 different subjects, falling into categories of science, mathematics, languages, history and English.

  • Each test is 1 hour long and students can take up to 3 subjects tests at a time but can write either subject tests or a general test.

  • It is of a multiple-choice format.

  • The test fees are $22 and $26 for the languages test. There is also a $26 registration fee for one test date.


  • The SAT general test assesses students on basic knowledge and so it would be helpful to brush up on high school mathematics and English material. The official website will also be able to provide some study material. For more practice, students can buy guide books to help them tackle the questions and effectively use their time.

  • For the SAT subject tests, it is important that the students have quite extensive knowledge of the subject they choose. The student should have sufficient interest and information on the subjects they choose and use online study materials and guide books to help them along the way.

It is very helpful to try out several practice tests that are timed to get a better understanding of where you stand and find out where more practice is needed. Practice tests can also be found online or along with supplementary materials. 

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