Higher Education – UK Or Ireland

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International students look forward to  study abroad and experience the studies there, without having to face a language barrier  in a modern, highly developed country. Both England and Ireland are considered to be perfect locations. These two nations have a lot of world-renowned universities and are known for their nature of education. Also because of their geographic proximity, England and Ireland have many distinct differences in culture, way of life, and university choices that students will be needing to think about when choosing which nation to study in. As Both the United Kingdom and Ireland offer excellent study programs for international students from all around the world. Thus, Depending upon the particular kind of course and experience students are searching for, they may discover either Ireland or the UK more suitable for them. Of course, There are various advantages, just as differences, studying in every nation.

The United Kingdom Vs Ireland-

The United Kingdom has some of the most assorted and wide-spread academic options, so it is an ideal location for somebody with unique interests who will most likely be unable to discover their area of study elsewhere. Also Studying in London will give International students a common experience, not only one of a single specific culture but also it is a great place for somebody who truly needs to grow their points of view. International students will completely end up acclimated with England’s own exceptional culture, specifically if they want to study in a college town or a city other than London. Whereas on the other hand, Ireland is known as one of the most wonderful nations on the planet with loads of the friendliest people. Ireland has its amazing characteristic scenes as well as dynamic history. The little European location of Ireland has turned into a well-known study abroad destination for international students, and similarly to England, students will completely discover numerous different students studying there. Also As a result of Ireland’s natural beauty, it is a perfect location for students who need to spend time in the outdoors and countryside. Moreover, The major cities in Ireland will, in general, be littler and more sensible than those in England.

The visa process in the UK and Ireland-

In the UK, a full-time student visa is called the Tier 4 (general) student visa. Due to the tightening of visa rules over the recent years, getting a British student visa is more tough than before. In order to get visa, following rules apply-

  • It is granted only for a full-time study program.
  • If the students are applying for a diploma course, the length of the visa would be three years.
  • If the students are applying for a degree from a university then the length of the visa would be four years.

The total cost is around £348 to apply for this visa. The international students will be required to pay an additional amount of £348 for the dependent visa, per dependent. Besides the international students, may or may not be called to the consulate to appear for a personal interview

The international students, may or may not be allowed to work part-time during your studies, it depends on individual cases. The two types of work that International Students are allowed to do are as follows-

Part-time:- Up to 20 hours a week during term, and full time during vacations (only on-campus) 

Full-time:- work placements which are part of a ‘sandwich course’

In Ireland, the International Students are required to apply for an Ireland Study Visa if they are planning to come to Ireland to undertake a course of study for more than 3 months. The rules proceed as follows-

The Applicants would be required to show funds of at least €7000 in your bank account at the time of applying for the study visa and also This amount equals the cost of living in Ireland for an international student for one academic year.

The international students should be able to prove that they or their parents/sponsor will be able to provide at least €7000 for each year of their studies, in addition to the course fee.

Besides Holding a valid stamp 2 means you will be permitted to work for 20 hours per week during the academic session, whereas 40 hours per week during the months of May, June, July, August, and from 15th December to 15th January as these are the vacation times in Ireland so the time allowed to work increases in the vacations.

Numerous Employment Opportunities in the UK and Ireland-

For the UK- The Top jobs are corporate managers, directors, mechanical engineers, aircraft pilots, nurses, etc.

For Ireland- The Jobs are present in fields like agriculture, mining, forestry & fishing, pharmaceutical and medical technology industries, software and ICT industries and financial service industry as well as export and trade Industries. These are some of the top job industries in Ireland. 

Permanent Residency Opportunities in the UK and Ireland-

For UK- Due to changes in government and legal policies over the years, immigrating to the UK is deemed really difficult as the UK government has taken a lot of measures to delis “bogus” colleges and limiting non-EU migration. Also if the international students are staying back in the UK on Student or Work visa, then in most cases they will be requiring to leave the country.

For Ireland- The international students who have been living in Ireland with a work permit for five years, they become eligible for the Ireland Permanent Residence Permit. Thus, the Foreign applicants who receive Irish permanent residency will get a Stamp 4 on their passport, which is valid for 5 years and is renewable o my due date. Additionally, after eight years of legal residence, the foreign national can apply for a Without Condition As To Time endorsement, which as the name suggests, does not have a pre-specified validity.

Thus, both countries have their pros and cons in terms of services and educations. The international students should choose for what is best for them, According to their convenience and interests.

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