The Need For Smart Examinations

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Examinations are organized for the purpose to do the evaluation of students in the respective areas. Before moving further, we need to elaborate on the term “evaluation” which is carrying the significance of purpose. Evaluation is a way to ascertain whether the assignment has been worthwhile in terms of delivering what was presumed to be. 

Examinations are considered to be a component of assessing student’s knowledge but the question is arises on the effectiveness of these examinations to give out pure results. The current examination system in India is significantly atrophied and slanders about exams always pop up. Every day, we come across news of papers getting leaked or students discovering new strategies for cheating. This has made the examination system very pathetic which is not suitable to evaluate the efficiency of students. 

The aftereffect of such scandals witness the scenes of administrative pillars trading denunciations and holding each other liable. And educational authorities do pinpoint some people and guilty are convicted with the punishments and the reports of these issues are never made public. People usually forgot these scandals until new defamation comes up. This kind of persistence in the slanders shows that there is something terribly rotten in the whole examination system. There arise the need to identify the problem and to introduce a smart way of evaluation. 

I want to suggest some ways to make our examination system smarter. These ways will definitely demand more resources but at least they will be able to recognize the actual potential in Indian students. 

  1. The Indian education system is suffering from the effects of the amalgamation of technological advances and humans for the past decade. The extensive use of the internet has opened the doors to various malpractices such as a paper leak, identity theft, etc. But as we know, stone can beat the stone, similarly, the harm which technology has posed to our education system can be removed through technology. So, I propose to introduce digital examinations. Don’t get confused by assuming that digital examinations are online examinations. In digital examinations, the student has to give an exam on a computer at the school premises in front of the teachers. This will not only save paper and pen, thus the environment, but also reduce the chances of exchanging of answer sheets during the examinations. 

  2. You will be wondering how this will stop cheating and paper leaks. So, you all will be aware of the ongoing trend of social distancing in the world. We have to apply the same trend in the examination hall. The number of students in the room should be reduced as much as possible. Social distancing should be applied between the desk and chairs.  To ensure no paper leaks, we have to take cyber precautions using various software and applications. 

  3. In the previous points, I referred to the infrastructural problems of the examination system which demand a lot of resources such as computers, classrooms, etc. But the quality of the question paper also matters the most. The question paper should be subjective which leaves no scope for cheating. The questions should be related to the practical world wherever possible. This will analyze the logical and evaluative skills of the students. 

Our children are the future of our country. There is nothing bad about investing resources for the bright future of the country. If we have made this investment for our students, the return on this investment will be high and that will take our country to reach flourishing skies.

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