Why Do Majors In Marketing – An Ultimate Guide

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What is a Marketing major?

Marketing is like building a connection between the product and the target audience through different techniques and strategies. You need to study demographics in-depth and derive conclusions about which particular set of people to target. Then, you have to build some story through which people can relate and see whether they need such a product or not. In order words, it is a foundational skill that will acquaint you with various segments of a business like product development, advertising, promotions, public relations, strategy development, market research, sales, etc. 

Are marketing and advertising the same?

Many people use marketing and advertising interchangeably which is quite wrong. Well, marketing is a technique in which we brainstorm the product and generate all possible ideas to make people aware of it. From developing the product to delivering it to customers, it is a part of marketing. On the other hand, advertising is simply a paid sponsorship of your product through different channels where people can see it. As a whole, marketing is a process to create a market for the product and advertising is a process to launch it in that market. Advertising is a narrower concept and thus, a crucial component of marketing. 

Skills in Marketing majors

Apart from the subject matter and course contents, you will augment a number of soft skills and talents. These skills will not only help you in your professional life but will also assist you in leading a better private life. The skills and talents are listed below:

  1. Communication

  2. Leadership abilities 

  3. Planning and organizing

  4. Critical and analytical thinking

  5. Innovative mindset

  6. Problem-solving abilities

  7. Developing challenging attitude

Marketing major jobs 

Marketing is that arena of a business with which the target audience is made cognizant of the services the venture is rendering. Hence, in every company, there is a need for marketing associates on every level which in turn contributes to the high growth rate of the sector. Following are some entry level jobs in marketing that any marketing graduate can take: 

  1. marketing manager

  2. brand partnerships manager

  3. advertising associate

  4. public relations account executive

  5. social media marketer

  6. product manager

  7. Digital marketer 

Other high-profile job positions in the marketing department are listed below: 

  1. Marketing executive

  2. PPC specialist

  3. Sales promotion account executive

  4. SEO specialist

  5. Media buyer

  6. Advertising account executive

  7. Public relations officer

  8. Advertising art director

  9. Market researcher

Salary prospects for marketing majors

According to Glassdoor, the highest salary for a professional in a marketing job role is ₹19,29,155 per year while the minimum pay stands around ₹5,54,014 per year in India. Additionally, the overall average pay is around 7 lakhs per year. If we talk about salary trends in the USA, then the entry level packages are $35,000 – $45,000 per annum and make as much as $100,000 per annum. 

Industry growth and prospects 

Due to the growing craze for entrepreneurship, more and more companies and startups are developing, thus creating a unique demand for marketing professionals. Some studies suggested that the marketing field is growing faster than the average speed. So, the prospects in this industry are quite bright and compelling as well. 

Three compelling reasons to do majors in Marketing

  1. Marketing skills will never get old because new technologies emerge and give you the opportunity to learn new things from time to time.

  2. The skills you will learn will always be in demand, so job positions will always be vacant in their field. 

  3. Well-paid jobs and higher job satisfaction because successful marketing associates love their job, and therefore, they produce amazing results.

Is marketing major the right fit for you? 

If you like creating innovative strategies for product development, launching it in the market, and presenting it in innovative ways among the audience, then yes, it is the right fit for you. Never see any field right fit for you just because it has a high salary. Always look for your interests and passions because converting them into something which you have to do every day is like the cherry on the top. 

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