Being An Introvert Abroad Tips For Survival

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Being an introvert abroad- tips for survival

International students studying abroad is one of the most unique and incredible experiences in a college student’s life. As it is a chance to immerse oneself in a new culture and travel like never before and connect with a group of fellow students from different countries. So for the introverts among students, is the last item on that list can seem more overwhelming than exciting. Some students are also considered an ambivert that is a split evenly in the middle between introversion and extroversion. Also, studying abroad and living in a house with 50-75 other students often can make students socially drained and exhausted.

Students should be prepared with a few basic principles that even the most introverted student can have a fun and rejuvenating study-abroad experience. As there are plenty of ways to keep one’s sanity intact and get the most out of their time. Often extroverted people tend to like social events, meeting people and spending time with bigger groups of people. As this energizes them and makes them feel alive. So an extremely extroverted person as most people tend to have some extroverted and introverted characteristics, there don’t tend to be people purely extroverted or introverted, prefers to always be with people than alone, being alone depresses them. Additionally, introverts recharge when they are alone and have their quiet time and they need time to analyze things, they have rich internal life as well as tend to think things through more. Thus, it does not mean they are not sociable but after attending a social event, they will need time on their own to recharge. International students mostly love spending time with people, with my friends and family. Though for a longer time, being around a lot of people, especially new ones, is quite exhausting. So often socializing wears students down and they just need to have some down time to be all up and running again. Therefore, students should consider following tips for their survival being an introvert-

  • Students should find their sanctuary-

Students who are introvert needs a place where he or she feels safe and happy and a place to retreat and reflect in solitude and peace. So this may be a student’s own room or a cozy nook in your house or apartment or a favorite park or coffee shops etc. So Whatever they choose, just it should be a peaceful and easily accessible spot that provides relief from social pressure and norms.

  • Students should find their bunch of people-

As people say but contrary to popular belief, introverts are not antisocial completely. It’s a fact that they  do, however, crave deep connection as well as dread superficial friendships. Also, In an abroad program where most of the people are strangers and it can be difficult at first to feel truly known. So students should begin investing in true friendships right away. While also sticking with their go-to people and invest in those relationships properly.

  • Students should find the hidden gems in their city-

The greatest things about thriving on solitude is the freedom to explore new home. The students study in colleges quite far from their homes and it can take around an hour each day to simply walk around the city and watch new things. Also, Exploring  in a new town makes it truly feel like “yours.” Additionally, students are ready to impress their friends with the trendy boutiques and quirky bars you discover or any cool place.

  • Students should find ways to travel solo- 

For students safety is the top priority always. So if they travel anywhere, they should make sure that there is somebody who knows where they are and have the ability to help fellow students. Students should always stay in safe neighborhoods and follow their intuitions and always be aware of their surroundings and neighborhood. Thus, traveling alone is something students must experience at least once and preferably a few months into their program, once they have grasped the art of booking flights and hostels for themselves then there is nothing like the feeling of stepping off a train and knowing that students are free to do and see whatever they want. Students  wiser and more resourceful and to add on, very appreciative for friends who speak their languages.

  • Students should find moments of solitude in group trips-

Like in most study-abroad programs, group travel is the norm. As These trips can be somewhat stressful to the introverted traveler. So students should stick with the group 99% of the time and also incorporate some alone time. So it means waking up an hour earlier to go for a run or splitting up for 30 minutes after lunch for individual sightseeing. Thus, as long as students communicate with the group members, they can find creative ways to enjoy group travel while staying sane.

  • Students should find ways to process their experience-

For Introverts are great at finding ways to process significant life events in a concise and thoughtful way. Students should use that quality to their advantage during their time abroad. As for some, this can mean keeping a travel diary or blog and for others, communicating with loved ones from home is important. So it is crucial to slow down and reflect on what one is doing and who they are becoming actually.

  • Students should find joy in the journey-

Often the study-aboard experience will feel like utter bliss. While some times they are hangry. So Students should remind yourself that they are in the midst of an incredible journey and they will reminisce about it, for years to come and hold as a treasured college memory. Also, they should not forget how privileged they are and how beautiful the world can be actually.

Therefore, if students remember these principles, then time studying abroad will be full of exploration, learning as well as depth. International students should take time to recharge and invest in themselves. Along with Exploring new things and befriend new people. Moreover, never be ashamed of who they are. If they are an introvert, they are having a grand adventure, and they are awesome and best.

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