Building Employability In Indian Education

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Employment is a solution to major problems which the people of our country are facing. If a person is employed and earning money, he has sufficient to eat and live, thus satisfying the basic necessities of food and shelter. But still, why Indians are failing in getting employment opportunities? Indian parents tell their children that if they study hard, only then they will be able to get high pay jobs. Even they study hard still the unemployment rate in our country is very high. The loopholes are in the Indian education system, not in children who study hard. Students don’t have any fault in this because they are learning and walking on the path as shown by the schools and teachers them. India has accelerated the progress in education through schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and mid-day meals. But who guarantees that these children will be employed with this education in their future? This poses challenges to the current education system. According to a survey, it is shown that 64% of Indian students are educated but cannot be employed as they are not employment ready. They lack some skills which are vital to get a job. So, currently, India is facing an employability gap or we can say the skill gap. The education through which a student is not able to get any employment is a useless education as it lacks all the required skills and knowledge. This employability gap can be clearly seen in the employment data of our country.  After intensive research, two reasons are found out which are responsible for making students unemployable:

  1. Outdated curriculum

  2. Lack of soft skills


The curriculum consists of what we will be learning in the years we have devoted to education. But the curriculum is outdated and so are the teaching techniques of that outdated curriculum. In this dynamic world, students are still learning and focussing on theory as they are supposed to do what is stated in the curriculum. Authorities of educational institutions always talk about changing infrastructure and increasing funds but nobody is thinking of the content which students are learning. Some universities do change curriculum but 90% of universities are still teaching the same content. We need to make some modifications to the curriculum which will increase the employment rates of students. Some of the changes are:

  1. Practical knowledge should be given to students by linking industry with the curriculum so that they will be aware of what is happening in the industry

  2. Exam-oriented classes should be avoided which means that learning for exams only should be removed from the minds of students.

  3. Industrial visits should be made compulsory which will make students aware of the actual environment that the industry possesses. 

  4. Workshops, seminars, and discussions should be held on real-life issues in a particular domain.


In this modern era, your personality traits and skills matter the most. Your qualification and experience can be ascertained through your resume and Job interviews are done for assessing your personality traits and soft skills. It is proved from the National Employability Report that a shortage of soft skills is the main obstruction in the way of getting jobs for students. Soft skills consist of 

  1. Interpersonal skills

  2. Effective listening

  3. Public speaking

  4. Professional ethics

  5. Interview skills

  6. Verbal ability

Apart from soft skills, your personality is also assessed on the following traits:

  1. Emotional intelligence

  2.  Assertiveness

  3. Leaderships and team spirit

  4. Problem-solving and thinking skills

  5. Healthy mind

  6. Social behavior

  7. Time management

A learning module should be developed right from the schools to inculcate all these values and soft skills in children. Various universities and colleges are now running a personal development program but I think this should be taught in schools so that students become perfect in this aspect till they attain the age of employment.

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