Cost Of Education In France

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No introduction is perfect to describe the elegance and grandeur of France. No doubt, France has world-class educational institutions and standardized pedagogy. In accordance with this, the cost of education in France is also high, but not that high like in American and Canadian universities. Thus, studying in France is quite affordable for students from different nationalities. It is very crucial to take into consideration how much a certain thing will cost in France. For this, we have stated average costs in different categories throughout this writeup. 

Tuition fees

The fees for study programs at universities and colleges are the major cost that you will incur. Moreover, the cost depends on the type of funding a university receives, its popularity and reputation, and most importantly, the level of your study program. 

Following are the costs of education in France at different levels in a Public University: 

Undergraduate Study – 170 EUR per year.

Postgraduate Study – 260 EUR per year.

Doctoral Study – 396 EUR per year

Moreover, if you study engineering and medicine in France, the cost will be 620 EUR per year and 450 EUR per year respectively. At private universities, tuition fees for all courses range between 1,500 EUR and 20,000 EUR per year.

Furthermore, the following are the most affordable and pocket-friendly universities in France for international students: 

  • University of Orleans

  •  University de Montpelier

  • University of Burgundy 

  • University of Strasbourg 

  • Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering University 

Accommodation costs

The following are the available accommodation alternatives for international students along with their average costs: 

  1. Shared apartment on rent – 400 and 700 EUR per month.

  2. Living with a host family – 200 EUR per month in smaller cities while 700-800 EUR per month in big cities like Paris.

  3. Student halls of residence – It is the most popular and prevalent choice of housing among international students. The average cost is as low as 200 EUR per month in small cities and as high as 800 EUR per month in extravagant cities like Paris. 

Transportation costs 

We always recommend getting accommodation in the vicinity of your university or college so that you can save money on transportation up to some extent. If this isn’t possible in your case, then get yourself a monthly pass on the prevalent public transport. The average cost of a monthly public transport pass is 68 EUR. On top of it, even taxis are much more affordable in France, even in Paris. One popular mode of transport for traveling between cities is the TGTV which costs around 20 euros per journey. 

Living costs

Living costs differ from person to person as well as city to city. For instance, the capital city of France, i.e. Paris, the most expensive one with costs ranging between 1,200 and 1,800 EUR per month. Nice, another city in France, costs between 900 and 1,400 EUR per month. In other cities like Toulouse, Nantes, Lyon, or  Bordeaux, the cost is relatively low, i.e. between 800 – 1,000 EUR. Moreover, the following are the other average costs in different categories related to lifestyle, food, etc. 

Entertainment –

Basic grocery and food supplies – 200-250 EUR/month

Electricity and water bills – 180 EUR/month 

Internet and phone bills – 26 EUR/month

Health Insurance –  20 – 50 EUR/month

Books and stationery – 50 EUR/month

Cost of a dinner at a restaurant – 15-20 EUR/month 

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