Cost Of Education In Russia

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Russia is a country with a tumultuous history, and therefore, students are fascinated for studying in such an embracing destination. Russian Universities heavily insisted on offering technological and scientific degrees. It is one of the speediest growing economies in the world. It has emerged as an alluring destination for higher studies. In comparison with the USA, UK, London, etc. the cost of living is more modest. This is a significant reason why Indian parents prefer this country to send their children for further studies. While planning for higher education in Russia, you should consider the following costs: 


Generally, tuition fees depend on the nature of the university (private or public), level of the course (bachelor, masters, or PhD).

Bachelor’s degree – RUB 220,000 to 240,000 (USD 3,385 to 3,690) per year

Specialist’s degree – RUB 220,00 to 240,000 (USD 3,385 to 3,690) per year

Master’s degree – RUB 240,000 to 260,000 (USD 3746 to USD 4058) up to RUB 450,000 (USD 8082) per year


Accommodations are of two types: University hostel or rental apartments.

In the case of University hostels, the cost is between 500-5000 rubles (8-80 USD) per month, depending upon the university and the city. Residing in university hostels will benefit you as you don’t have to incur much-travelling costs.

If you want to reside in rental apartments, you have to pay around 100-150 USD per month as they are quite expensive. Rest it depends upon the city in which you are seeking for housing facilities. In furnished and elite areas, the rent can go as high as 1000 USD per month.


Being an international student, you should be excited about exploring the city as much as you can. You need to travel a lot for exploring the city. The metro rides cost around $400 – $500 annually. 


It is advised for every overseas student to get their health insurance before landing in the country to escape from other troubles. Insurance costs 6000 – 20000 rubles at maximum.


Living cost totally depends on your lifestyle. While living in any foreign country, your expenses will rise at pace. So, it is recommended that you should try to save your money for an emergency that can arise anytime. Also, keep records of your expenses.

  1. Student Handbooks: Most of the book supplies are available in the library so, you do not need to purchase books. If you are willing to purchase books, then you can. 

  2. Fitness cost: Nowadays, students are more concerned about their health and fitness. So, they seek affordable gyms in a foreign country also. The gym feelies in the range of USD 25 – USD 34.

  3. Food Cost: In some universities, Food charges are also combined in hostel fees. If it’s not then you have to bear the cost yourself which are in the range between 58,000 rubles to 97,000 rubles. According to information provided by a Russian university, the primary shopping basket, which includes bread, pasta, meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, milk, and sugar, has an average cost of 3500 to 5000 rubles. 


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