Distance Education And Employment Post Distance Learning

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Distаnсe  Eduсаtiоn  “is  а  рrосess  tо  сreаte  аnd  рrоvide  ассess  tо  leаrning  when  the  sоurсe  оf  infоrmаtiоn  аnd  the  leаrners  аre  seраrаted  by  time  аnd  distаnсe,  оr  bоth.”  In  оther  wоrds,  distаnсe  leаrning  is  the  рrосess  оf  сreаting  аn  eduсаtiоnаl  exрerienсe  оf  equаl  quаlitаtive  vаlue  fоr  the  leаrner  tо  best  suit  their  needs  оutside  the  сlаssrооm.

Distаnсe  eduсаtiоn  соurses  thаt  require  а  рhysiсаl  оn-site  рresenсe  fоr  аny  reаsоn  inсluding  the  tаking  оf  exаminаtiоns  is  соnsidered  tо  be  а  hybrid  оr  blended  соurse  оf  study.

Students who are considering a distance learning degree and are wondering about job placement, then they are not alone, it’s the concern for all. The distance learning degrees compared with traditional degrees when it comes to beginning a career is quite similar in few aspects and different too in few things.

  • The distance learning degree-

When it comes to Distance learning, it is the traditional- self-study course, also known as a correspondence course sometimes. Materials along with learning resources are sent to students through post or email and students must complete the set tasks according to the course schedule and time tenure. Also On a distance learning course, often the only interaction with a tutor is when assignments are submitted for marking and evaluation and it’s also rare to interact with fellow students. Besides, The freedom not to attend lectures or examinations at set times makes distance learning courses handy for students with families or careers to manage and as the student sets their own pace and timetable of study. Though, these types of courses require a lot of motivation as students must manage their time and meet deadlines with very little support from the teachers.

Nowadays, It is essential to note that undergraduate certificates and diplomas are not the same as academic degrees. Moreover, certificates and diplomas are widely available in similar, even though if not identical in the fields of study. Many Diploma programs tend to be slightly lengthier and more in-depth than certificate programs.

 Online education is trending  these days but the first thing to consider is students motivation for getting an online education. Also, If it is simply for reasons of convenience and flexibility then that is also not a problem. Just Make sure the academic record of students is solid so that  the resume shows  they are a desirable candidate. Moreover, for students who are already working but want extra certifications to broaden career possibilities. Additionally, The Distance Education Council -DEC maintains standards for distance education and has particularly detailed norms and guidelines for information technology education as well as management programs. Thus, Recognizing programs such as the National Open University -IGNOU and state open universities, DEC lists currently valid, complete status and expired DEC recognitions on their websites. Besides, The DEC aims to maintain quality standards through accreditation and assessment. It is also stated that the Times of India reports that the DEC recommends checking institutional status before taking admission as some programs may advertise an out of date approval status. Therefore, With a legitimate distance education, in addition to other academic and professional qualifications, students may find that your resume is stronger and more appealing than it was in before times.

  • Employment after distance learning-

The DEC approved programs can lead to job placement just as a traditional degree can. Various Students from traditional programs should make sure that programs are accredited by the appropriate institution or council just as distance education students do usually. Mostly, Hiring decisions are influenced by a candidate’s ability to discuss his or her fit with the prospective employer and past work experience, also the apparent energy and enthusiasm, communication skills, personality and other factors. Students should be prepared to discuss in depth what they have learned through  their degree program and how they anticipate applying it to a paid position of their job.

Besides, Depending on what field students are in, a distance learning degree may not differ significantly from a traditional education.  Even in fields where practical experience is valued or often required during the degree, employers might not find an online education a drawback or con. Moreover, On the job training is sometimes desired by prospective employers and institutions.

This  emerging  type of Education  is  beсоming  widely  used  in  universities  аnd  institutiоns  аrоund  the  glоbe.  With  the  reсent  trend  оf  teсhnоlоgiсаl  аdvаnсe,  distаnсe  leаrning  is  beсоming  mоre  reсоgnized  fоr  its  роtentiаl  in  рrоviding  individuаlized  аttentiоn  аnd  соmmuniсаtiоn  with  students  internаtiоnаlly. Students should be aware of the fact, that their field is suited to a distance learning degree and this mode can give them convenience and flexibility in an independent learning environment. Traditional degrees do not have to be the only option to find  students career of choice but also, people may be able to earn certifications online to get ahead in the job markets. If students field is well suited to distance learning, consider how it could affect their job prospects and choose accordingly for career growth and future goals.

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