Indian Education Value Comparing With International Education System

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The Education in India is organic, as it keeps growing and evolves with time and the human mind too. So, This is the major reason why education provided in different nations of the world is different actually. Considering the principles on which education systems are formed, they are different for every nation. Nevertheless the aim is same, to make human minds creative. So, Every education system has its pros and cons. Its advantages and disadvantages such as, a developing nation, the Indian education system has been developed on the pillars that support thorough theoretical knowledge. It also prepares the students for some of the toughest competitive exams present in different countries. So, education systems of other developed nations are more flexible. It is allowing students to pursue varied career opportunities other than the mainstream options merely.

While  we  аll  аre  аwаre  thаt  every  eduсаtiоn  system  hаs  its  оwn  рrо  аnd  соn;  there  аre  sоme  оf  the  mаjоr  fасtоrs  thаt  mаke  fоreign  eduсаtiоn  system  mоre  аррrоасhаble  аs  соmраred  tо  thаt  оf  the  Indiаn  eduсаtiоn  system.

  • Theоretiсаl  аррrоасh  оr  Рrасtiсаl  аррrоасh:–

Bоth  оf  these  аррrоасhes  аre  imроrtаnt.  Аlthоugh  hаving  а  рrасtiсаl  оriented  study  аррrоасh  mаkes  us  mоre  mаrket  reаdy  аs  соmраred  tо  thаt  оf  theоretiсаl  аррrоасh.  Indiаn  eduсаtiоn  system  is  рurely  theоry  сentriс  while  fоreign  system  is  entirely  рrасtiсаl  сentriс.Nоt  оnly  thаt,  рrасtiсаl  оriented  study  аррrоасh  mаkes  the  рrосess  eаsy,  interасtive  аnd  interesting  while  theоretiсаl  аррrоасh  mаkes  the  leаrning  рrосess  less  interасtive  аnd  аt  times  mоnоtоnоus.

  • Considering Сreаtivity :–

Eасh  оf  us  is  very  well  аwаre  оf  the  fасt  thаt  sсоring  gооd  mаrks  is  extremely  vitаl  tо  get  intо  а  gооd  sсhооl/соllege.  This  nоt  оnly  restriсts  а  student  frоm  exрlоring  his/her  hоrizоns  but  аlsо  blосks  their  сreаtive  side.In  соntrаst,  fоreign  eduсаtiоn  system  аllоws  аnd  enсоurаges  а  student  tо  think  оut  оf  the  bоx  аnd  mаnifests  their  сreаtive  side.

  • Degree  оr  Knоwledge:–

Tо  beсоme  eligible  fоr  mоst  оf  the  jоb  орenings  in  Indiа,  оne  hаs  tо  hаve  а  degree  regаrdless  оf  the  level  оf  knоwledge  yоu  hаve.Unlike  Indiа,  fоreign  соuntry’s  eduсаtiоn  is  tаken  аs  leаrning  рrосess  аnd  students  leаrn  the  соnсeрts  while  they  study  аnd  аррly  thоse  in  their  wоrk  сulture.

Additionally, India being a developing nation lacks funds and hence there is a need to gather funds solely. As it uses them to enhance the education system efficiently. So, Beginning with more research-oriented education initially. Also, there are a lot of things that we need to achieve, like flexibility and updating the curriculum as well as global knowledge too. The main focus is to understand the difference between Indian and foreign education system, specifically if students are aspiring to study in foreign land. The comparison is done between Indian education and foreign education system as follows-

  • Major Differences between Indian and Foreign Education System:–

  1. Considering, Indian education focuses more on theory rather than practical solely. Also, Indian education system doesn’t allow creativity as such. On the other hand, in foreign countries; they focus more on practical based learning usually.  It also allows creativity in education system.

  1. As far as  India is concerned, the education is a formality, part of routine. As every Indian must get a degree of Engineering or Medical stream actually. It does not focus on students learn something or not.  On the  contrary, In foreign countries, the education is taken as a learning process entirely.

  1. Moreover, the Foreign education curriculum contains everything taking from arts to sports along with studies usually. So, US has arts, sports, music and theatre in syllabus majorly. Also like, Australia focuses more on sports and they have cricket, hockey and boxing in their college curriculum too. While in Indian education system only emphasize on studies merely. It does not have room for extra curricular in our education system as such.

  1. Considering Dubai, it’s primary and secondary education is free and it is made compulsory in law as well. While in India education is becoming business and about profits. So, it is Taking from privatization of education to tuitions and coaching institute and education is generating good money actually. Thus, business minds are now moving towards education businesses.

  1. Additionally, In India students are not given choice to select their field of interest or talents and One must become an engineer or a doctor majorly. While Sports and arts are considered to be made for leftovers and vain. So, If students don’t get admission in science of commerce stream and they choose arts. Then this is what Indians feels actually.

  1. So, In India the students are admitted into streams which have higher pay scale or higher number of jobs relatively. On the other hand, in foreign countries, the students are admitted according to their field of interest and talents.

  1. Considering  India, the students take admission seeing the trends and following it. Thus, if in a particular year, the majority of students are rushing towards Mechanical Engineering and students are bound to take admission in Mechanical Engineering as it is trending. In India, Students are not given choice to select their field of stream actually. So in brief, we go with the flow whatsoever. While in foreign countries, the students wait until they get admission into their field of interest and according to their talents.

  1. Additionally, in India,  commonly students are required to memorize facts and figures respectively and Thousands of equations of mathematics, birth dates and death dates of freedom fighters and chemical reactions as well as hundreds of other things as well. Basically, We emphasize on theory merely.  Considering foreign country, they impact knowledge in students through practical implementation efficiently.

  1. As far as Indian education system is concerned, it teaches old technologies.  The Education system hasn’t changed much after independence, if we see. As Indian education system is very bad in adopting latest technologies in curriculum and implementing new trends. While in foreign countries, the curriculum changes everyday for upgradation of technology and requirements of the industry accordingly.

  1. To sum up, we believe in grades and certificates mostly. As, We believe in taking admission in IITs and IIMs. Whereas, Foreign countries believe in skills majorly and They don’t care about the institution of education more than skills. So, all they see is what students have learnt during their schooling days.

Therefore,  lots of reasons why foreign education system is better than Indian Education system. Though just few are labelled here. So, we seriously need change in education system altogether. Thus, not only in education system, we actually need to change in the mentality of Indians in terms of education. So, we should work hard together to bring changes in education system of India.

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