Indian Educational Statistics

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Considering the schooling system in India dates back to centuries, where the gurukul system was followed mostly. The Gurukuls were essentially where students learnt under the guidance of a teacher or guru while staying in the latter’s home actually. So, This involved everything from keeping up cleanliness on the premises to studying scriptures too. So, Many religions, such as Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, followed this tradition of schooling as well. Moreover, A few of the oldest teaching institutes at Taxila, Nalanda and Vikramashila are recognized as India’s earliest universities in that era.

Also, India established schools and centres for higher education before becoming independent from the British invaders. So, Some of these are more than a century old and continue to be prestigious educational institutions even today too. So, The Indian Institute of Science, established in 1909, for instance, is one of the leading educational institutes in the country as well.  Additionally, after the introduction of the British system of education, it’s known that there was a drastic decrease in indigenous institutes across the country too. So, while Christian missionaries introduced English language schools and the Jesuits mixed this in with the European college systems. Thus, The first Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur was established in 1950 that is quite early, so the post-independence to promote technical education Properly.

Moreover, Children in India enter schooling from the young age of two into pre-nursery or playschool actually. So, Primary education from the ages six to fourteen is mandatory according to the Indian government altogether.  Also, the Diploma courses can be taken right after the school years. It is providing certification in specialized courses too. So, the students who have completed their secondary education are eligible to get admission for an undergraduate degree in the arts, science, and commerce field as well. Thus, there were close to 40 thousand colleges in the country for technical and research training in the 2017 year. So, Currently, Bangalore, the state capital of Karnataka has the highest number of colleges in its urban district actually.

So, Apart from regular schooling, usually, students take up private tuition for early school years for above-average performances in academics too.  Also, A plethora of learning institutes has been growing steadily in recent years. To prepare students to fare well in competitive examinations. Additionally, The results of competitive exams conducted nationwide are crucial for admission to engineering, medical, and other civil services etc. Though these institutes have benefitted the micro-economy. It induces stress among students who must put in extra hours of learning apart from regular school hours mostly.

Now the country, in general, follows a national curriculum for all subjects that are decided by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, which enables the mobility of specific jobs as such. So, Even though there is a systematic education system in India. There is massive unemployment among graduates too. Also, there are more students graduating each year than the number of jobs available in the country entirely.

  • The Statistics on Status of Child Education in India:–

Considering the literacy ratio of India is 65.38% with male literacy at 75.85% and female literacy at 54.16% respectively. So, Of the 193 million children in the age group 6 to 14 years, 8.1 million children are out of school as of Sept 2004 as per Government statistics accordingly.

  1. The net primary enrolment ratio in 2001/02: 83 7%.

  2. Children reaching grade 5 in 2000/01: 59 8 %.

  • According to the Ministry of Finance / Press Information Bureau Data:–

  1. Total Number of Primary Schools in India is 0.664 million in latest years.

  2. Total Number of Upper Primary Schools in India is 0.219 million.

  3. The Population in the age group of 6-14 years is 193 Million.

  4. Total Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools is 0.133 million and Enrollment is 30.5 million respectively.

According to the findings from the Survey, Social infrastructure like education is as important as physical infrastructure and not only for sustaining high growth but also for enhancing welfare merely.  So, The root of poverty often lies in illiteracy actually.

  • According to Census of India in latest years:–

  1. The State with the highest literacy rate in Kerala (89.8).

  2. The State with the lowest literacy rate in Bihar (38.5).

  3. The District with the highest literacy rate in Kottayam, Kerala (95.7).

  4. The District with lowest literacy rate in Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh (19.0).

Additionally, the Facts on Education are as follows for statistics:–

  • Basically, Less than half of India’s children between the age 6 and 14 go to school properly.

  • Usually, A little over one-third of all children who enroll in grade one reach grade eight actually.

  • So, At least 35 million children aged 6 – 14 years do not attend school properly.

  • Total 53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate genuinely.

  • So, In India, only 53% of habitation has a primary school actually.

  • So, In India, only 20% of habitation has a secondary schools.

  • Also, On an average an upper primary school is 3 km away in 22% of areas under habitation.

  • Additionally, In nearly 60% of schools, there are less than two teachers to teach Classes I to V are allotted.

Therefore, On an average, there are less than three teachers per primary school and they have to manage classes from I to V daily. Also, High cost of private education and need to work to support their families as such. So, little interest in studies are the reasons given by 3 in every four drop-outs as the reason they leave for genuinely.

  • Also, Dropout rates increase alarmingly in class III to V, its 50% for boys, 58% for girls mostly.

  • So, 1 in 40, primary school in India is conducted in open spaces or tents conditions.

  • Moreover, In Andhra Pradesh -South India, 52 upper primary schools were operating without a building, while in some years there were none actually.

  • Also, In Maharashtra that is West India, there were 10 schools operating without a building in few years, this has climbed to 33 in recent years.

  • So, More than 50 per cent of girls fail to enroll in school, those that do are likely to drop out by the age of 12 mostly.

Thus, 50% of Indian children aged 6-18 do not go to schools. So, government should take and ensure proper steps towards better Education for all.


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