Indian Players Partnering With Foreign Educators

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Many children aspire to study abroad but not all dreams are cherished by destiny. Here, through destiny, I mean the financial condition of those children. In a developing country like India, not every family has the capacity to afford overseas education. Is there any chance that Indian students can get foreign education without going abroad? Here I am not talking about distance learning. Even for distance learning, you still need to pay higher fees. So, that’s not an option. Is there any other alternative for bringing foreign education into our country? Just think!

Education is a very critical factor in driving the lives of humans on a prosperous path. If the education sector of a country is strong, its youth can do everything to achieve their desires. The significance of advanced education is rising these days. Meeting education with international standards will bring numerous educational opportunities. 

Meanwhile, have you thought of another alternative? Not yet? Let me tell you what happened in 2016 in view of this matter. Indian government realized that Indian education is on a spark of revolution but not evolution. They identified the challenges to our education system and decided to allow collaborations with foreign institutes. The Ministry of HRD has made various alterations in the UGC program to accomplish the aspirational wants of Indian students. Many universities of developed countries like the United States, Canada, Russia, Europe, etc have shown interest in making collaborations. 


  1. International Exposure 

Partnership with foreign institutes has allowed Indian universities to design their curriculum in alignment with international standards, offering a diverse platform for students to furnish them. So, with this curriculum, students are taught with pioneering technology leading them to an advanced future. 

  1. International Education at low costs

Without going abroad, you are able to get foreign education in your own country. Even in your own college, you need not pay higher fees as you have to in foreign universities. Just imagine, you are getting foreign education in your own country without incurring traveling, accommodation, living expenses in a foreign country. Isn’t it great for those who cannot afford overseas education? 

  1. Excellent campus placements 

Big Companies nowadays are in search of freshers with global education preferably from the institutes which had global collaborations. So, if you study in any college which is in partnership with any foreign university, then you might cross paths with a great job profile at any leading company. Now, you will ascertain the salary you will be getting for that awesome job profile. 

  1. Faculty interaction 

The faculties of Indian universities can upgrade training programs and their teaching methodologies with foreign faculty. There are various discussions and webinars of students also with international faculty. The students will get to know International literature also in those discussions. The faculties of both countries discover various pedagogy of learning. 

  1. Brand Invisibility 

Even if you are not enrolled in any foreign institution, still you will gain the benefit of the brand name and reputation of that foreign university. The reputation and notoriety of your college will be on par. Through this, your education will gain recognition in the industry. 

See, everything in this world comes with both pros and cons. But something with more advantages is worthy and justifies its existence. Foreign collaborations are in every way, helping Indian institutes in developing and growing. They are trying their best to raise educational standards.

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