Living In India Or Abroad- Choose The Best

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Many people wondered why do most Indians prefer to settle abroad. So, According to reports from the United Nations (2015), its over 244 million people live in countries outside their countries of birth. Also, In this context it is important to note that Indians make up the largest diaspora population in the world and Over 16 million NRIs live in countries outside India as well. According to latest reports, the United States said that there were over 2 million Indian-born immigrants in the country. So, if we include Americans of Indian descent and this number comes up to 4 million. So in 2015, the reports from the UK also paint a similar picture. So, the data says that over 7.4 lakh Indians now live in the UK as well.

As far as developing country like India is concern, so increasing unemployment rate is indeed one of the biggest concerns. If we look at reports, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) research report and 11 million jobs were lost in 2018 alone, which pushed the unemployment rate higher. So, the State of India’s Environment (SoE) 2019 year, also expressed concern about the unemployment rate has become twice in the last two years respectively and that is an increase of 4% to 7.9% from May 2017 to April 2019 as well. Also, Despite India being one of the largest growing economies and job creation opportunities are still amiss. So, it’s not the lack of educational skills because of which people are unable to find a job as such.  Thus, India has the highest number of educated unemployment and which means the people who have enough knowledge and  skills as well as expertise are bereft of employment opportunities and scope.

Besides, There are qualified graduates, post-graduates, and even Ph.D. degree holders who do not have jobs as per their skills and talents.  So, Our labour market has 55 million people who have their graduate degree, of which 9 million are unemployed. Also, Most of the Indians who get a job don’t get enough wages as such. So, They work for hours and receive payment in peanuts and even after getting degrees from renowned universities as well as paying a huge amount of fees and they end up earning a salary equivalent or lesser than the labor class altogether. So, the scenario is worst for engineers. If India has thousands of engineering colleges and universities offering varied courses for all fields of engineering and relevant courses. Then, the 4-year program sucks away a student’s time and money,  yet they are deprived of all the employment opportunities as well. Thus, 80% of engineers have to work on a package lesser than 1.5 lakhs per year.

  • India’s  has almost worthless University Degrees and the lousy Education System altogether:-

All the Employment experts and education ministers in India have often expressed their concerns over the education system. Many have changed the curriculum and some are still talking about changing the scenario as well. So, the Unemployment is a result of lousy schooling and India’s education curriculum is all about getting marks. Also, an Indian professor’s responsibility is to cover the entire syllabus prescribed by the University and colleges and it leaves no or little time for debates and discussions as well as real-time practical classes. So, There is no leeway to what is taught and how the education is imparted and how it is evaluated should be known. Thus, India also has a lack of resources to have a project-oriented system and same goes for the lectures, notes, and paper-based examination respectively.

  • It leaves Indian Graduates in two conditions:–

  1. So, They either don’t have the required skills and expertise to go for high paying jobs because obviously and  the screening process in those companies are no match to what the students learn in their classrooms.

  1. Also, They end up going for low-paying jobs because those companies are only looking for cheap labour and those employment opportunities have very less to do with skills altogether.

  1. Besides, the People can get all the education they want, but if they are not taught practical skills, nobody will hire them. So, Ironically- it is only 55% of college students are employed and arts- commerce graduates are only 30% employed and It is easy to get a temporary job but much tricky to get a stable, permanent employment.

  • There are Lack of Employment Opportunities, Brain Drain to Foreign Lands:–

Numerous people express their concern over Indians moving abroad. So, a wide number of qualified graduates, Engineers, Doctors, and professionals from all the fields are choosing UK, USA, and Germany instead of staying in native country and It’s because of the limited employment and growth opportunities in India altogether. Many Countries like UK, USA, Canada, and Germany are almost every Indian Graduate’s dream and destination because in there , they have the chance to live a better life and stable one.

  • Having Higher Wages:–

Most of employment opportunities are the biggest reason. So, even the graduate students in a German Country have plenty of work opportunities like internships, student jobs, part-time and full-time employment as well. Such kind of jobs don’t only provide the students with financial support, though also valuable experience of a one’s life. Countries like- Germany also has a large variety of family-owned business, companies that are known throughout the world for their precision, technical specialization, quality, and traditional operation respectively.

  • The Work-Life Balance:–

Basically, it’s not only the pay check that is attracting but the work-life balance too. So, Working hours are 8 am to 5 pm and That’s all it is. Professional don’t have to answer your boss’s phone in the middle of the night and rush to work whenever called. People can refuse overtime request and do it by getting more amount. So, to top it all, people get 20 paid holidays per annum. Additionally, the sick leaves also.

  • The Healthcare & Social Security:–

It’s a fact, how terrible India’s public healthcare system is. So, Public Healthcare in countries like Germany is not only advanced with first-class management but is affordable too. Also, The healthcare system in Germany is funded by statutory contributions ensuring free healthcare for all. So, there are qualified doctors. People have to pay for healthcare insurance from their taxes, though this assures that they won’t go bankrupt if they fall ill or get into an accident or as such.

  • The Quality of life:–

People can’t miss talking about the quality of life in Germany. So, the standard of living is high but there’s a lot that can be included in this aspect and people don’t have to worry about waterlogging, electricity cut downs, traffic jams and pollution.  Thus, It all combines to a life every person deserves to live actually.

  • The Labour is valued:–

No matter, people are a waiter here or driver or a security guard, they have respect and Nobody judges their profession as such.  Sometime, the professor used to be a waitress in a bar back in her twenties and they share many of her experiences. So, Imagine this happening in India is quite different.

  • The End Points:–

It’s a fact, India is facing a major problem of Brain Drain. The people who are doing so are not less-patriotic than the ones who are staying in their native place. So, these people are moving for a better lifestyle and better opportunities and scope. The countries like- Germany is not always the most preferred destination for Indians but it is still a favorite because acquiring a German Visa is indeed less troublesome than acquiring an American or British Visa accordingly. 

Therefore, Students and professionals should be aware of all the pros and cons and should select accordingly for their bright career.

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