Planning To Study Abroad In 2021

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The covid pandemic was an unexpected treacherous wave in lives that swapped all our happiness and freedom of going outside in a second. It is impossible to predict what will happen next day. The world has witnessed shutdowns of workplace, universities, schools, markets and everything. Most of the students are unsure about their study plans, and some who are reconsidering their plans of study abroad are still confused. Many countries are not able to contain the spread of virus but that doesn’t mean you have to cross off your study plans totally from the list of 2021. There are many questions that must be arising in your mind and we have some meaningful answers to them which can help you to understand the impact of COVID on international education and how you can further plan out study abroad.  

Has covid affected the number of international students? 

It is not astonishing that students planning for study abroad are having arduous time making their heads to collect the information about impact of Covid in different places. Many are just fed from all this, and thus, they have skipped their plans, so the movement of international students has affected excessively. But with many universities giving guidelines and helping students, many students are reconsidering their decisions and we can see a higher level of competition this year for education abroad. 

How do students plan on studying abroad amidst this pandemic? 

This is most strenuous part for every student amidst this pandemic to figure out from where to start your planning. We have an easy approach for students to follow while planning for study abroad during this pandemic. First of all, arrange funds for your studies and stick to your decision of pursuing your education abroad. There is no way we can forecast what will happen after pandemic or when this covid will end. You can’t stop your life and working towards your ambitions. On an average, maintain optimistic approach while planning for your studies. Then, look for those universities which has great Covid response. You will find several alternatives in this category as every institution is trying its best to curb the impact of pandemic.  Focus on your preparation for mandatory exams like GMAT, IELTS, SAT, etc and give your best. 

Are countries issuing student visas? 

Every country is taking all possible measures to contain the spread of Covid and launching the guidelines for everyone including international students. Many countries got great covid response, hence they are issuing student visas, thus, allowing students to visit and reside in their country for education purpose. 

Is Studying Abroad Despite COVID-19 Worth It?

Even if we encounter one more pandemic like this, still the value associated with study abroad won’t depreciate at all. The career prospects and global experience that it provides are exceptional which you can’t find in your own country. So, pandemic might put some brakes in your dream of pursuing education from abroad but it actually worth it. 


Take care of your mental health as planning to study abroad is a tiresome process already and this pandemic has made it more strenuous. Invest some time in relaxation and self care. 

Review your field of study in advance and then decide what course to do and from where to do by researching as much as you can. This will yield most surpassing opportunities in your hand.

Analyze the situation of the country in which you wish to study. It is possible that the country which you choose might have some stringent measures for international travelers. There must be some medical pre requisites, changes in the flight schedules, or you might encounter problems in finding accommodation. So, it is very important to scrutinize the circumstances of the country and check their pre requisites to work accordingly.  

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