Time Management For International Students

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A common misconception among the youngsters about education abroad is that they have enough time for fun and recreation. Busting this myth, we want to show you the reality. You are going abroad for education and hence, you will be living on your own. Being independent, you have to perform all chores by yourself. Earlier, you had your parents and family who supported you and performed household chores. So, that will also consume your time. You will have a bunch of assignments, tests, projects as a part of your course. 

Even you have to attend lectures in your college which will engross half of your day. Now, can you see the real picture? 24 hours in a day will feel like 24 minutes when you will have such a busy schedule. Therefore, managing time properly while studying abroad is essential. Otherwise, you will end up completing your assignments or washing clothes on weekends instead of doing recreational activities. So, we have listed down some time management tips and strategies which can make your college life much easier. 

  1. Arrange your tasks according to your priorities 

Suppose you have two days deadline for an assignment which you haven’t completed but you are preparing for your test which is scheduled next week. Yes, you are completing your work before time which is good but should complete your assignment first because it’s your priority. Therefore, you should make a list and sort them according to their preference. 

  1. Set targets for your day

Some people start their day with social media apps while some with yoga or exercise, etc. I believe that during the first 2 hours after waking up, you should set your goals for the day. As you have prioritized your assignments, it would be simple to fix some objectives which you need to fulfill within the day. Keep this as a challenge to your abilities and I bet you will end up completing all of them. 

  1. Identify your productive time

Every person has a different comfort zone and likewise, different times where they are most productive. Some people enjoy working in the early morning and some are night birds who can’t do anything in the daytime. So, it is important for everyone to identify their most productive time and use that time to complete tasks. 

  1. Say bye to procrastination 

The root cause among most of the students facing time management issues is procrastination. And eliminating this habit can bring you close to success as well. So, the question is how you can eliminate procrastination from your attitudes? And the answer to this is very simple – find anything which fills enthusiasm in you while working. Try this out today and see if it actually encourages you. 

  1. Follow RTR – Refresh Then Restart

Many students feel bored and irritated with their work and thus, end up wasting time. If you are one of them, then follow the RTR rule – refresh and then restart. It is good to spend some moments in doing something which refreshes your mind and then when you start feeling relaxed, resume your work. But never convert these moments of refreshing into hours. 

  1. Make use of time management applications

There are several applications on the play store and apple store for time management. Such apps have features like reminders, setting timetables, etc which can accommodate students in managing time effectively. 

  1. Eliminate time wasters 

Make a list of those activities which you do routinely and waste your time unintentionally. Instead, assign these activities as rewards whenever you accomplish one of your priority tasks. This will encourage you to complete the task as soon as possible but you need to have self-control for accomplishing this. 

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