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Studying in Universities in UK is a good way to expand your knowledge and also while meeting new people, learn different cultures and experience a new culture as well as enjoy new experiences. International students will get a good support at universities along with a chance to experience an awesome student lifestyle. Different people have different interests so UK offers huge range of clubs and societies which offers diverse social life.UK provides to choose from over 50,000 courses, in different aspects and in around 25 subject areas. Such courses are comparatively shorter than other countries in the world. So it helps to reduce the overall tuition fees as well as accommodation costs for students. It also have a flexible system as students can work while studying too. All information regarding visa is available on UK visas and immediately (UKVI) and on the UK council of international students affairs (UKCISA). The United Kingdom is great place to live and study it has England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Which of these countries have large distinct regions as well as they offer large Cosmopolitan cities and towns and countryside villages. Besides UK had a multicultural society, with different rich diversity in cultures, languages as well as faiths.
International students should know following things when planning to study in UK
- UK has around 395 universities and colleges which offers over 50,000 undergraduate-level higher education courses all around the country.
- There are different kinds of deadlines for applying for various courses and for different universities. International students take a look at the main dates and also deadlines relevant to courses, according to their interests.
- Depending upon the Universities and colleges and also on the courses students choose, students will need to pay tuition fees. Different kinds of financial for the tuition fees and scholarships are available to help International students. However, EU students are not subject to tuition fees in Scotland. Also the amount of money they will need to cover living costs will vary based on where the students are studying. Though London and similar other large cities tend to be more costly.
- All international students first need to apply for a visa to study in the UK. There are also work permit restrictions along with few English language qualifications one should be aware of. All Universities advise the applicants about the standard of English that is required for their courses. In fact many course providers will ask you to demonstrate their proficiency in English or to take an approved English language test, if English is not their first language. Therefore students should be aware of all necessary requirements to study in UK to enhance their career opportunities globally.
Tор 18 subjeсts fоr роstgrаd study in the UK
The tаble belоw gives the lаtest оffiсiаl numbers fоr рeорle studying different subjeсts аt роstgrаduаte tаught level (sо, Mаsters degrees, аs well аs shоrter соurses like Роstgrаduаte Сertifiсаtes аnd Diрlоmаs, but nоt РhDs) аt UK universities.
Tор Роstgrаd соurses
- Business & Аdministrаtive Studies with аrоund 101,995 Internаtiоnаl Students.
- Nursing, Heаlth & оther Subjeсts Аllied tо Mediсine with аrоund 68,725 students.
- Eduсаtiоn (inсluding Teасher Trаining) with аrоund 65,845 students.
- Eсоnоmiсs, Роlitiсs, Sосiоlоgy & оther Sосiаl Studies with аrоund 44,845 students.
- Biоlоgiсаl Sсienсes with аrоund 31,090 students.
- Сreаtive Аrts & Design with аrоund 24,095 students.
- Engineering & Teсhnоlоgy with аrоund 23,865 students.
- Lаw with аrоund 18,405 students.
- Соmрuter Sсienсe with аrоund 14,315 students
- Аrсhiteсture, Building & Рlаnning with аrоund 15,385 students.
- Mediсine & Dentistry with аrоund 11,505 students.
- Mаss Соmmuniсаtiоns & Mediа Studies with аrоund 11,285 students.
- Lаnguаges, Literаture, Linguistiсs & Сlаssiсs with аrоund 10,735 students.
- Histоry, Аrсhаeоlоgy & Рhilоsорhy with аrоund 9,955 students.
- Рhysiсаl Sсienсes with аrоund 8,005 students.
- Mаthemаtiсаl Sсienсes with аrоund 4,255 students.
- Аgriсulture with аrоund 2,775 students.
- Veterinаry Sсienсe with аrоund 2,040 students.
For choosing a course in the UK, following points are considered
The United Kingdom offers around 160 universities and colleges and limitless courses as well as study options on offer, students can make their UK higher education experience as unique as they are genuinely. Also, There are specialist universities and colleges, world-renowned historic institutions, modern innovative facilities and pioneering along with progressive research centers in locations all over the country. It is also offering Students the chance to tailor their learning to their aspirations and career goals as well as interests.
1. The Specialist universities
Mostly UK universities are world renowned for their subjects, courses and professors as well as tutors. So, These are also universities and colleges that have a very strong focus upon a specific subject area, such as business, art and design, music or engineering etc. So, These institutions offer highly specialized education in the chosen field. It will be surrounded by like-minded students who are great for focused development and future contacts and also making friends and acquaintants.
2. Follow up for research
The lot of information available to help students to decide which course, location and UK university or college is right for them. So, A good place to start is Discover University , the official website for comparing UK higher education course data as well. Besides, On the websites, students can select and compare subjects, modes of study, teaching outcomes and location to help them to learn more about the courses on offer actually. Along with each course there is a ‘Key Information Set’ which tells students about professional accreditation and student satisfaction as well as, it provides employment statistics too. Students can also look at the University’s own website and there are a number of university league tables (or rankings) that provide more information as well. Numerous organizations publish rankings at institutional or subject level include QS World Universities and Times Higher Education and also, The Guardian . So, the People & Planet University League is a ranking of UK universities on their environmental and ethical performance as well. It also has a wealth of support on how to choose their course and how to apply to study in the UK altogether. Thus, The Association of Colleges site offers a map of colleges in the UK alongside links and vital information too. Mostly University and college websites and prospectuses have full listings of courses on offer and details of course content as well as modules that provides success stories of previous graduates. Numerous student blogs and promotional films along with also lots of material created by current students about their UK experience as a whole.
3. Important Things to consider
1. Like- Does the university offer the right course options and flexibility for students?
2. Like- How does it rank for student satisfaction and care actually?
3. Also- What are student’s career prospects? What percentages of its students go straight into employment or further study after graduating finally?
4. And, What are the teaching standards like to be?
5. Like- How does it perform in terms of research activity actually?
6. Like- What facilities are on offer? Consider things such as libraries, lecture halls and study spaces as well.
7. Also, Are there extra-curricular opportunities such as student unions, societies and sports teams too.
8. Like- Is the university based on campus or spread out over a city as well?
9. So, Where in the UK? Studying in a city center London University will be a different experience to a smaller university in Wales that is close to the countryside too.
10. So, What are the course fees and accommodation costs and standards like to be?
11. Also, Is the institution recognized by UK authorities as having UK degree awarding powers as well?
Know How to choose a course
As there are so many courses on offer –and not just in the subject areas students would expect. So, there will be courses in subjects as well as subject combinations students have never even considered, so it’s important for them to explore the different options thoroughly and properly.
So, Here’s how to get started
1. Firstly Choose a subject – it is important thing is to choose a subject students enjoy that will help them to reach their goals. So, Think about what one is actually aiming to get out of the course – career progression, career change or the chance to study a subject students love in more depth genuinely.
Also, Look at our subject guides to understand what the different subject areas have to offer. It includes graduate destinations, entry requirements and also personal statement tips as well. Keep Browsing the popular search tool for inspiration on the types of courses students can study and explore. Besides, don’t forget to use the subject filters to narrow the search options.
2. Secondly, Search for undergraduate courses too
- Search for undergraduate courses from the search bar at the top of website page and
- If it isn’t selected already, select ‘Courses’ from the first drop-down menu.
- Also, Select the application scheme you’d like to search under –for instance, ‘Undergraduate’.
- Also, Enter the subject you’re interested in studying genuinely.
- Then, Click the search icon.
- So, By entering these details, you’ll only see relevant courses for the application scheme, year, and subject you’re interested in. You can also browse by subject in the search tool accordingly.
Therefore, This search tool also includes performing arts courses at conservatoires and these are more performance-based than their academic equivalents merely.Besides, there is the Teaching Excellence Framework—it is the new Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) is designed to help students to decide where to study. So, this framework, introduced by Government, includes a gold, silver, and bronze award system that is decided by several criteria, including continuation rates and student satisfaction as well as employment outcomes for undergraduate students too. Thus Students can choose accordingly.